
  1. Open Illustrator.
  2. Set up the following dimensions: 1800px x 1800px.
  3. Set an 1800px x 1800px square (hex code: #FFFFFF) as the entire background of the drawing.
  4. Place an 820px x 820px square (hex code: #CCCCCC) in the center.
  5. Place an 800px x 800px square (hex code: #666666) in the center of the previous square.
  6. Create two, 120px x 120px squares (hex code: #999999) and place it in the top center of the previous square and in the bottom center of the previous square (should be aligned in the center together; do not cover the bottom squares).
  7. Place a capital letter 'S' in the middle of the squares in the font, Oswald, Regular (available in Google Fonts: in font size: 395pts (hex code color: #FFFFFF).
  8. Go to File, Export as, .png, with a white background color and email to me at
Instructions (PDF) Original Jon Rachel